Give your Dasvandh

Make A difference

Dasvandh is donating 10% of your earnings towards a charity or something that could help people in need. Dasvandh is related to one of Guru Nanak Dev ji’s concepts which is Vand chakna. This is also referred to in Punjabi as “Daan” meaning giving or contributing to charity. Dasvandh started when Guru Amar Das Ji called upon his Sikhs to bring a portion of their crops and earnings to share in the community Langar (Kitchen). This concept is carried on by many Sikhs till this day.

During the time of Guru Arjan Dev Ji, the sikh community had difficult financial times. Many Sikhs went to Guru Sahib for help and Guru Sahib knew this principal of Dasvandh which will help and benefit all Sikhs. Guru Sahib instructed his beloved Sikhs to donate 10% of their time and earnings which will also help in the spiritual realm.


Dasvandh should not only about giving money, but also giving your mind and time to connect with Waherguru (God) through Simran, Path or Kirtan etc.

Meanwhile - you can donate in person at the Gurdwara Sahib or via telephone by calling us at 604-537-8300. All Donations are Tax Deductible and Canadian Receipt is issued.

How can YOU help?

Come talk to us - we have many Seva (volunteer) opportunities at the Gurdwara Sahib from helping out in the kitchen to helping to run the programs and services. We also occasionally need assistance with technology such as social media, video editing, live broadcast and filming events and again reach out via email or come talk to us in person. 

Alternately - search around for local organizations and all communities have food banks, many charities that all need volunteers and/or donations. We also recommend volunteering/donating as a family, bring along your kids and teach and show them.